Wednesday 15 September 2010

Why we fear superstores could turn Wadebridge into a characterless Clone Town

Chain stores are sucking the identity out of our towns, some interesting new research reveals.

A new study into diversity on the high street places three south-west places in the top ten of the worst Clone Towns.

The New Economics Foundation accuses chain stores of being fair weather friends because they don't support the local economy in the way that local retailers do during a recession.

In the think tank's 2009 study Exeter is joint second Clone Town along with Reading. St Austell is number eight in the list, while Penzance is number ten.

Exeter came top in the Clone Town league table in 2005. It's now lost the dubious honour of "King Clone" to Cambridge, where only nine varieties of shop were found last year.

At the other end of the scale in the Home Town top ten, Torrington in North Devon is number four, with a score of 85.6 for identity and diversity. Crediton is fifth and Newlyn is ninth.

Reimagining The High Street - Clone Town Britain 2010: High street diversity still on endangered list - New Economics Foundation


  1. Clone Towns or Clown Towns, or maybe both?

  2. I'd like to say that most towns do not have a popular cycle trail running through the middle of them. For that reason, Wadebridge will never be a clone town.
    In the meantime I'll press the snooze button on this one and wait with baited breath for your comments on Lincoln Council suing Sainsburys over excessive packaging ......zzzzzz....

  3. I want the supermarket, competition is good for the vast majority of local people. If anyone wants to buy anything for the home it has to be a trip to Truro. The local Chamber of Commerce is looking after their own interests just as they always have. If we have two or three supermarkets that is fine by me, it will mean that each supermarket will watch their prices more and offer better discounts. Take the current petrol station, no competition, amongst the highest prices in Cornwall..Now take Bodmin, great competition and amongst the lowest prices. Bring it on I say.
