Also, there's a huge opportunity cost of the type of jobs available - around 70% of the supermarket jobs are part time, minimum wage jobs. This doesn't compare to skilled jobs that have the potential to pay mortgages, boost the local economy etc. It's also likely that self checkouts will be introduced, which will cut out even more jobs. Another huge issue is the net job loss in the area, due to shops shutting, less trade so less need to hire staff etc.
Lastly, the effect that the supermarket will undoubtedly have on the community means that people may not want to stay or move to Wadebridge. Personally, I'm looking to buy a house in this area but I'm waiting to see the results of the supermarket issue, as I don't want to be based in another faceless town - I may as well be in a city that offers better job opportunities, as the reasons why I'm choosing to live in Wadebridge (lively community, great shops, quality of life, rural area etc) will be jeopardized (Harriet Henderson).
Oh no we don't want minimum wage earners in Wadebridge do we Harriet! We want lost of posh high earners so it can be a really snobby town.
ReplyDeleteI forgot that working in a small shop in the town is more skilled than the big ones on the outside of town!
Cornwall is a county with a significant number of minimum wage earners if you don't like it then yes move to the city.
To think that you are delaying buying a house based on this planning decision is very amusing.
Your comments just show how out of touch you and your group that love's Wadebridge really are.
I am one person that will not be wanting to leave town if the planning goes ahead, and if this an out come at least you will be happy as the estate agents in town will be very busy selling houses to those that are happy to move here.(The Uke of Cornwall)
I agree with The Uke of Cornwall. Very few jobs in Cornwall can sustain a Mortage without a considerable deposit. For those that manage it theres not going to be much "Economy boosting" with the money thats left.
ReplyDeleteQ more affordable housing.