Tuesday 25 January 2011

An end and a beginning

I expect many of you who have been watching closely will have heard by now the result of the meeting of the Strategic planning committee yesterday.  To cut to the point, the applications from Morrisons and Sainsburys were rejected (the latter against the recommendations from the planning department) by a very large majority vote, but, although a large proportion of the committee wanted to reject the Tesco application, they felt they just didn't have enough grounds in planning terms to do so. It was a very interesting, and tense, afternoon.

So, to sum up our successes as a community: the Trenant council offices saved from demolition (thus saving some high level employment for Wadebridge), two major supermarket applications rejected.
Failures?  well, Tesco got through, albeit with a much heavier Section 106 burden (benefits for the town) than they hoped for, and the insistence that they do more to screen the new extension and the existing store.

It has been an interesting sixteen months. With the support of many people we may have had some beneficial influence, we have certainly learnt a lot (some of which we would rather not know), and we have made many new friends. However the time has come for us to put that energy into other projects, as well as back into our own lives. will thus take a new direction……. keep looking at the website for what this might be!

Thank you all for your support and encouragement.

With our best wishes,
Stephen and Jerry

1 comment:

  1. Well I look forward to that "new direction" and hope that if you have learned anything it should be that you are not yet representative of the local population.
    As a group acting in the best interests of the tow you have a moral duty to engage better with those people you claim to speak for.

    As for "an end" its clear that Cornwall council has made a tactical decision which has given them the easy way out. I am sure appeals will be made and if overturned they(the council)will be able to absolve themselves of any responsibility for any unpopular decisions.

    My I say you are welcome to all my "support and encouragement" even if some of it was hard to swallow.
