Wednesday, 9 June 2010

Energy Black Hole

Got to share this with you - the Sainsbury's energy statement says that they expect to use about 1.8 million kWh of power per year in their proposed Wadebridge store - that's about 260kWh for every man, woman and child in Wadebridge. Compared with our home use, Sainsbury's will be using 22 times as much as us per square foot (yes, I'm a bit of a numbers geek).
They do go on to tell us how they will generate 15% of this from renewables - well that's alright then!

1 comment:

  1. This is an interesting point and I would like to say that there are a number of retailers (not supermarkets) in Wadebridge who choose to light their premises over night. This is a complete waste of energy and how much of this is from renewable sources?
    But of course I rest assured that this will be some thing that will be addressed once the supermarkets have been "fought off" and as Mr Frankel says Lovewadebridge's energies will be turned towards other projects to enhance the town the eco town idea!

    The points under the planning section on the site are interesting. COOP used for trolley shopping and full weekly shops! Apparently this is based on the fact that there are trolleys outside! The reason they are outside is because they are not being used!!
    I've been into COOP twice since I read this utter rubbish. So far I have counted 4 trolleys in use three weer mostly full of personal effects including crash helmets and coats and even children. It must also be pointed out that these trolleys were the shallow or "top up shopping" type.

    As for suggesting that the reduction in trade for all shops in the town will be equal to that of the COOP ....this is just plan silly spin. We all know that there are a considerable number of shops that will see very little reduction in trade as they simply do not compete with supermarkets in the goods they sell.

    Again your group fails to convince me in any way that it is not anti supermarket, nor is it representative of the town's people and as I said before the use of language is an ongoing issue (see local media, twitter updates).
